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Rep Buddy

Track your fitness journey on iOS and watchOS!

Apple's fitness tools and apps are awesome, but most of them are geared towards cardio workouts and don't offer much in terms of lifting or rep-based workouts. Taking notes on my phone to track my progress for different exercises got really old really fast, so I made Rep Buddy!

Rep Buddy is a watchOS and iOS app that makes it easy to set goals for different exercises, work towards them, and track your progress while doing so. All updates sync in realtime between your iOS and watchOS devices, so you can use whichever is more convenient during your workout.

Rep Buddy is not available on the App Store because I'm treating it as my outlet for experimenting with new iOS features as they're released, so the minimum target iOS version will change frequently. For instance, in a future update I'd like to add Lock Screen widgets.


The app is open source, so check it out on GitHub at the button below!


How it Works 📱 


Create Exercises

While creating an exercise, you can set up a goal weight you want to reach, and you can always see your progress across all your workouts in one place.


Create Workouts

Once you've created exercises, you can add them to a workout! You can also add sets to those exercises and see how your sets compare with your goals at a glance.

Fixed Weirdness.png

Realtime Syncing

Any changes you make to a workout or exercise on the watchOS app automatically sync to the iOS app, and vice versa.

Nerdy Stuff 🤓

Rep Buddy is written in Swift and SwiftUI. It also uses Apple's Core Data framework not only to store workout and exercise information, but to also sync updates in realtime between the iOS and watchOS apps. Additionally, Rep Buddy uses the Swift Charts framework that's new in iOS 16 for all line charts, and the open source code linked above includes UI and Unit Tests for the watchOS and iOS apps. The watchOS UI tests in particular were quite difficult to develop, as UI tests on watchOS differ in some unexpected and undocumented ways compared to iOS UI tests. I have not been able to find any other GitHub Repos that feature watchOS UI tests that are this thorough.

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